We are very excited to announce that we are officially re-opening the Fitness Studio from Monday June 1st. To open, we have been given some new operating procedures we need to abide by from both Health SA and Fitness Australia. Please ensure you read all the following guidelines that will explain exactly how we will reopen. There are quite a few changes and its important everyone understand this before coming into the Fitness Studio.
Fitness Studio Reopening Operating Procedures
Memberships Reactivating
- All fitness studio memberships will reactivate as of the 1st June
- Your memberships will have automatically been extended for the time they were on hold.
- Members with Class Passes/S4L Passes will have a new pass on their profile with however many sessions were remaining on their last active pass before we had to close the studio.
Booking Procedures
- All Members must book into a timeslot to use the gym. General gym users must book into a general workout slot. There will be no walk ins allowed if timeslots are fully booked.
- Timeslots are for 50 minutes only, to allow cleaning of equipment between sessions A member must leave after their timeslot is finished. If you arrive late to a designated timeslot you will still be expected to leave once that time is completed.
- We will only be allowing members to book 7 days ahead on the schedule to allow fair access to restricted fitness studio times.
- Class sizes are absolute, and no extra members will be allowed into the studio over the limit. The maximum we can have at any point in time is 20 people including instructors.
- During a timeslot where a class is running, no general members will be allowed in the studio.
- A member can only book into one timeslot per day. This is to allow as many members as possible to be able to book in during our restricted hours.
Entering/Exiting the Studio
- Members need to check in with the instructor/staff out the front of the studio, and will be asked to sanitise their hands. Once this is completed, you are to move into the stadium to wait in the allocated area before being allowed into the studio. This is to help avoid heavy traffic with groups switching over. Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your booked timeslot.
- For classes, the same format will apply but the warmups will be conducted out on the courts. Cooldowns will also be conducted on the courts will designated pathways and areas to avoid heavy foot traffic
General Operating
- We will initially be opening for times when staff are available. These will be Monday to Friday 7am – 12pm. We will also be opening 3pm-8pm Tuesday and Thursday.
- Class Times have also been changed slightly so ensure you check this when booking.
- The Canteen will be available for takeaway drink, food, coffee and other item purchases. We will not be providing any in-house seating or tea/coffee/biscuits for S4L classes.
- Lockers will still be available for use.
- We will be opening male and female toilets but the changerooms will not be available to use.
- Instructors/Staff will be doing cleans during classes and while members are warming up and cooling down.
- Some equipment will be removed/placed out of order to help space out members and abide by 1.5m spacing between members.
- We ask that members avoid gathering in groups inside the gym and keep moving where possible. Our motto for the time being is get in, train, and get out.
Health and Hygiene
- We ask our members to please stay home if you are unwell.
- A member who is observed to be displaying symptoms (for example persistent coughing) of COVID-19 in our fitness facility will be politely asked to leave the Centre.
- We highly recommend all our members download the COVID SAFE APP on their phone and have it active at all times while in the centre.
- All members must bring a towel to the studio. If you do not have a towel you will be refused entry into the fitness studio. Towels will be available for sale at reception. We expect you to use your towel while on equipment and to wipe down after use.
- No gloves of any kind are to be worm when working out
Pilates and Yoga
- We have modified class sizes to allow appropriate spacing between participants (8 Yoga, 10 Pilates)
- Please bring your own mats, blanket, straps or other equipment for your own safety.
- None of our equipment will be available for use in these classes.
We are all very excited to get back into exercising and can’t wait to see you all using our facilities again. If you have any questions please contact us at fitness@blackwoodrec.com.au or call 8278 8833